
Home » The List: Stephen King’s Top 10

The List: Stephen King’s Top 10

1) The Green Mile  book cover
Originally published as six short stories, this has to be one of King’s greatest works. A tale that can even make a grown man cry, King himself said that it is his favorite. What more need to be said?

2) The Dark Half darkhalf1

Imagine creating a fictitious MySpace name. Then imagine deleting that profile. Then imagine crimes being committed with your prints. Now imagine that the criminal is your Siamese twin that you didn’t know you had. All the makings of a great story.

2.5) Misery misery
If I had the actual novel, this story will be rated higher and even though I officially don’t have the book, the movie was great so I know the book is even better. It won ‘Best Novel’ in 1987.

3.5) Dreamcatcher dreamcatcher
A bond between childhood friends, an intergalactic threat and a special savior were all part of this story about the power of friendship and saving humanity.

4.5) Bag of Bones Bag_of_Bones_HB
Its a story about love, its a story about protection. Its also a story about secrets and what happens when those secrets become a curse.

5.5) Cujo cujo
The one story that made everyone afraid of rabid dogs.

6) Riding the Bullet everythingeventual
This is technically a short story, originally published in 2000 as an ebook and because of that, it can not be ranked as a full length manuscript. But do you want to know how good the story is? 4,000,000 downloads in 24 hours. The story can be found in the collection Everything’s Eventual.

7) The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three  dt
Roland, the Gunslinger, goes to three different times, in three different worlds to retrieve three different people to join him on his journey to the Dark Tower.

8) Desperation desperation1
A story about a group of people sticking together to survive a deadly menace through the help of one special little boy.

9) The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla coverwolvesofthecalla
We find Roland and his band of brothers (woman included) getting closer to the tower in this adventure to save a town from wolves or something much more dangerous.

10) Black House bh
The 2001 sequel to ‘The Talisman’ (published in 1984), co-written with Peter Straub, is a crime thriller mixed with a supernatural twist almost akin to the ‘X-Files.’

Because Riding the Bullet is a short story and not an actual novel, it gets the distinction of a .5 rating. Misery’s listing is based on the film and not the novel which is the reason it has a .5 rating. Both .5 equals one book or novel. Ratings are based on full length manuscripts.


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